Saturday, June 29, 2013

How Well Does Your Doctor Communicate with You?

Patients have long complained that doctors are rude, they’re bad listeners and they don’t explain things clearly.

Those complaints are finally being taken seriously, as poor communication is increasingly understood to be at the root of many of health care’s failures—and a leading culprit in rising costs. Research shows that when doctors don’t listen to patients, they miss important health cues and misdiagnose illness. Meanwhile, patients who don’t understand what their doctors say fail to follow their regimens, leading to preventable hospitalizations, complications and poor outcomes.

With new Medicare payments tied to patient-satisfaction scores, and concern growing over malpractice costs, medical schools, health systems, malpractice insurers and hospitals are trying to help doctors bolster their bedside manner. They’re setting up education programs for everyone from medical students to seasoned pros who have spent years talking to patients.

Are you satisfied with how your doctor communicates with you and your family? If not, what is your biggest concern? Vote and let us know what you think. Your comment may be included in a special report we’ll be publishing in The Wall Street Journal.

View the original article here

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