Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Oblivion 2013

This film was totally brilliant! I love it!

It was released on 19th April here in Poland. Back then, I saw the ads on some small billboards in Warsaw, but I couldn’t figure out what the title was because the title was in Polish, Niepamiec. And I have not seen a lot of trailers like I used to, lately. So that’s one of the reason for not knowing about this movie in advance hahah. Blame it all on Pharmacology :P

Oblivion 2013

Oblivion 2013

Jack & Julia Harper – Oblivion 2013

Watch online


By the way, I’m now doing Paediatrics clinics. Today, my group went to see an 8-year-old boy, Marcin, who is suffering from Haemophilia type A. He was admitted to the hospital for physiotherapy session. He currently receives infusion of factor VIII concentrate.

Our doctor mentioned that before the factor infusion was introduced as management for Haemophilia, plasma and cryoprecipitate (Cryoprecipitated Antihaemophilic Factor) or “cryo” for short was used. Nowadays, they are largely replaced by the factor concentrates.

Marcin is going to stay in the ward for another two weeks. Our doctor said that he has no parents, he is an orphan so it might be another reason for him not being really cheerful. When our doctor said that, my heart sank. He was cute, a little bit shy and all but by looking at his face I knew (or felt like I knew) that he is lonely.

He was very well-behaved though. He was cooperative and didn’t mind us doing the whole body examination on him. It took quite a while but he was very patient with us. At the end of the interview, our doctor asked him to show his “treasures” which he kept inside the drawer of the side table. He showed us some cards of some football players.

I hope that he would be healthy for all his life. And hopefully the factor concentrate would prevent him from getting crippled in the future. I hope that he will be happy :)

Tags: 2013, Andrea Riseborough, clinics, colony, cryo, cryoprecipitate, drones, Factor VIII, factor VIII concentrate, film, Haemophilia, haemophillia, julia harper, Julia Rusakowa, Morgan Freeman, Niepamiec, Oblivion, Olga Kurylenko, orphan, paediatrics, pharmacology, Poland, Sally, sci-fi, space, Tet, Tom Cruise, Victoria, Warsaw

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